Research methods for classroom discourse

Ingram, Jenni,

Research methods for classroom discourse Book / Jenni Ingram and Victoria Elliott. - xvi, 230 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. - Bloomsbury research methods for education series .

Formerly CIP.

Language, both spoken and written, is key to understanding learning processes in the classroom. This book is for those who want to investigate spoken interaction or other discourse in the classroom. It lays out clearly the different approaches which are possible, identifying the key principles of each. It addresses the differences between them and the consequences these differences might have for teachers and researchers. Each approach is outlined in terms of practical methods advice, reasons for use, and case studies in which the approach has been used in classroom discourse. Common approaches such as conversation analysis, positioning theory, and critical discourse analysis are included alongside more specialised approaches such as discursive psychology and corpus linguistics"-


9781350072664 (paperback) £75.00 9781350072657 (hardback) £24.99 £26.99 £26.99

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019545733 Uk

Communication in education.
Discourse analysis.
