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Wireless sensor networks [Book] deployment strategies for outdoor monitoring Fadi Al-Turjman. by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: CRC Press New York
Availability: Items available for loan: COMSATS University Abbottabad Campus (1)Call number: 006.25 ALT.

Trends in cloud-based IoT / Book / Fadi Al-Turjman, editor. by Series: EAI/Springer innovations in communication and computing
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Availability: Items available for loan: Junaid Zaidi Library, COMSATS University Islamabad (1)Call number: 004.6782 ALT-T 62077.

Smart Things and Femtocells [Book] From Hype to Reality / Fadi Al-Turjman. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Availability: Items available for loan: Junaid Zaidi Library, COMSATS University Islamabad (1)Call number: 621.3821 TUR-S 61848.
