Nutt, Gary J.

Operating systems a modern perspective / [Book] : Gary J. Nutt. - Second edition. - Reading, MA : Addison-Wesley, ♭2000. - xxvii, 611 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

presenting core operating system concepts illustrated with real-world examples that provide a practical perspective on the material. This book features a complete discussion of operating system principles, supplemented with code, algorithms, implementation issues, and lab exercises to provide a comprehensive understanding of contemporary operating system practice. Features *Discusses the basic principles behind the design of all operating systems * In the Hangar examples show how the principles are applied in practice using Linux/UNIX and the Windows NT operating systems * Performance Tuning discussions explain how system designers have exploited the basic principles to achieve higher performance * Lab Exercises allow students to gain hands-on experience with the details of how to use Linux/UNIX


0201612518 9780201612516 (hardback)

Operating systems (Computers).
