Bank, Barbara J

Contradictions in women's education : traditionalism, careerism, and community at a single-sex college / [Book] Barbara J. Bank with Harriet M. Yelon - x, 198 pages : 23 cm - Sociology of education series (New York, N.Y.) . - Sociology of education series .

This volume provides a fresh lens for viewing single-sex colleges by examining a different setting - a non-elite women's college in the Midwest. This is the story of how a group of undergraduate women experienced and coped with the contradictions of gender traditionalism, careerism, and community that formed the context in which they received their college education. Includes an in-depth look at the differences between sorority members and independent women, testing historical and contemporary beliefs.


080774364 (hardback) 9780807743645 0807743631 9780807743638 080774364-x

Women's colleges--United States--Case studies
Women--Education (Higher)--United States--Case studies
