Schiffman, Leon G.,

Consumer behavior / Book. Leon G. Schiffman, Joseph Wisenblit, S. Ramesh Kumar. - Twelfth edition. - xxx, 670 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 27 cm.

Indian Subcontinent Adaptation, Copyright ♭ 2019 Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd.

Strategic applications for understanding consumer behavior Consumer Behavior, 12th Edition explores how the examination and application of consumer behavior is central to the planning, development, and implementation of successful marketing strategies. With an emphasis on developing a variety of useful skills, this text prepares readers for careers in brand management, advertising, and consumer research. The 12th Edition has been significantly updated to address contemporary trends and issues, including the role of new media, technological advances, and recent ethical concerns affecting the industry.

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9789673498420 (paperback) ℗Đ147.99

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Consumer behavior.
Motivation research (Marketing)
Management science
In silico comparative assessment--Respiratory allergies--Climate change.
Fungal spores--Pollen grains--Allergies.
Thin films
Material Science and Engineering
Management Sciences ----Project management --
Project Management--
Project manager sof competences--Project sustainability.
Innovation--Software industry.
