Electric power distribution engineering / [Book] /
Turan Gonen.
- 3rd ed.
- Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2014.
- xxv, 1035 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
This book covers all aspects of distribution engineering from basic system planning and concepts through distribution system protection and reliability. Drawing on decades of experience to provide a text that is as attractive to students as it is useful to professors and practicing engineers, the author demonstrates how to design, analyze, and perform modern distribution system engineering. He takes special care to cover industry terms and symbols, providing a glossary and clearly defining each term when it is introduced. The discussion of distribution planning and design considerations goes beyond the usual analytical and qualitative analysis to emphasize the economical explication and overall impact of the distribution design considerations discussed.
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Electric power distribution. Biosciences----Micorbiology and Immunology-- Micorbiology and Immunology-- Mitochondrial DNA--Helicobacter pylori. Gastric cancer--Epstein barr virus. Computer Science-- Information Security----state of the art Hybrid DL --IoMT LOMT visualizes network--Proposed technique.