Stafford, Vanessa

Abnormal psychology / [Book] Vanessa Stafford. - 237 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.

The branch of psychology that deals with the study of atypical patterns of emotion, thought or behavior is known as abnormal psychology. It focuses on behavior in a clinical context. The discipline is concerned with the study of both adaptive and maladaptive behaviors. Maladaptive behavior suggest that some problems existed which leads to difficulty in everyday functioning. These behaviors have biological, psychological and supernatural explanations. This field is concerned with identifying the causes for multiple conditions, using a wide variety of theories from the field of general psychology. It uses three different perspectives. These are behavioral, cognitive and medical perspectives. The discipline focuses on using a wide variety of therapies to deal with these maladaptive behaviors. Some of these are psychoanalysis, humanistic therapy, behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. This book studies, analyzes and upholds the pillars of abnormal psychology and its utmost significance in modern times. It also elucidates the concepts and innovative models around prospective developments with respect to this field. This book attempts to assist those with a goal of delving into this discipline


9781639870073 (hardback)

Pathological----Mental illness
