Muhammad Sohail Farooq CUI/SP21-RCS-021/LHR

Identification of Citation in Computer Science using Deep Learning and Cyberpsychology During COVID-19 - COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus Library Information Services, CUI Lahore 2023 - 115 Pages Hard copy is available in the library, please contact library help desk for services

To fullfill the requirement of the degree

Faculty and Students

Computer Science--In December 2019, a novel strain of Covid surfaced, unleashing a pervasive and inescapable illness upon the world. This inquiry aims to meticulously explore bibliometric facets, specifically scrutinizing publications in the field of computer science throughout 2020 in the aftermath of the global epidemic outbreak. The data, meticulously sourced from the Google Scholar website, involves the random selection of profiles belonging to computer science scholars, initiating an exhaustive exploration into citation rates.

004 MUH / MUH