Luca, Luigi T. De

Chemical Rocket Propulsion A Comprehensive Survey of Energetic Materials / Book : edited by Luigi T. De Luca, Toru Shimada, Valery P. Sinditskii, Max Calabro. - 1st ed. 2017. - 1 online resource (XX, 1084 pages 673 illustrations, 344 illustrations in color.) - Springer Aerospace Technology, 1869-1730 . - Springer Aerospace Technology, 1869-1730 .

Developed and expanded from the work presented at the New Energetic Materials and Propulsion Techniques for Space Exploration workshop in June 2014, this book contains new scientific results, up-to-date reviews, and inspiring perspectives in a number of areas related to the energetic aspects of chemical rocket propulsion. This collection covers the entire life of energetic materials from their conceptual formulation to practical manufacturing; it includes coverage of theoretical and experimental ballistics, performance properties, as well as laboratory-scale and full system-scale, handling, hazards, environment, ageing, and disposal. Chemical Rocket Propulsion is a unique work, where a selection of accomplished experts from the pioneering era of space propulsion and current technologists from the most advanced international laboratories discuss the future of chemical rocket propulsion for access to, and exploration of, space. It will be of interest to both postgraduate and final-year undergraduate students in aerospace engineering, and practicing aeronautical engineers and designers, especially those with an interest in propulsion, as well as researchers in energetic materials.




Mechanical Engineering
Physical chemistry.
Aerospace Technology and Astronautics.
Physical Chemistry.
