APCTP-ICTP Joint International Conference, (1997 :.

Recent developments in nonperturbative quantum field theory : proceedings of the APCTP-ICTP Joint International Conference '97, APCTP, Seoul, Korea, 26-30 May 1997 / [Book] : edited by Y.M. Cho, M. Virasoro. - River Edge, N.J. : River Edge, N.J. : World Scientific, c1998. - xiv, 397 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

This work comprises the proceedings of the APCTP-ICTP Joint International Conference, 1997. Topics covered include: QCD as a quantum link model; elementarity in open systems; lattice gauge theories with finely-grained fermions; and the M-theory five-brane.



Quantum field theory--Congresses.
