Writing scientific research articles strategy and steps /

Cargill, Margaret.

Writing scientific research articles strategy and steps / [Book] : Margaret Cargill, BA, DipEd, MEd(TESOL), DEd, School of Agriculture Food and Wine, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia, Patrick O'Connor. BSc, PhD, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia. - 2nd ed. - Chichester, West Sussex, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication, 2013. - xii, 223 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.

The book is designed for scientists who use English as a first or an additional language, and for individual scientists or mentors or a class setting. In response to reader requests, the new edition includes review articles and the full range of research article formats, as well as applying the book’s principles to writing funding applications. Web support for this book is available at www.writeresearch.com.au.

1118570707 (pbk.) 9781118570708 (pbk.) 1118570693 (cloth) 9781118570692 (cloth)

Technical writing.
Science news.

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