Windows 8.1 for seniors for dummies /

Weverka, Peter.

Windows 8.1 for seniors for dummies / [Book] by Peter Weverka and Mark Justice Hinton. - xi, 365 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. - For dummies. . - For dummies .

Includes index.

In easy-to-follow steps, this fun and friendly guide shows you clearly how to use Windows 8.1. Featuring a large font that makes the book easier to read and magnified screen shots to help make the subject matter less intimidating, author Mark Justice Hinton walks you through the basics of Windows 8.1, so you can make the switch without a hitch. Explains Windows 8.1 with easy-to-follow steps and tips for senior readers. Covers how to use the Internet, send and receive e-mail, upload and download photos, view video, listen to music, play games, use a webcam, and more. Uses a senior-friendly larger font for text and includes more than 150 enlarged screen shots. Discusses topics important to senior readers, including keeping data and personal information safe and secure. Get started using the exciting features of Windows 8.1 today, with Windows 8.1 for seniors for dummies.


9781118821497 (paperback) 1118821491 (pbk.)

GBB387314 bnb

016503711 Uk

Operating systems (Computers)--Computer science
Computers and older people.
Computers and older people
