Digital signal processing a computer-based approach /
Mitra, Sanjit Kumar.
Digital signal processing a computer-based approach / [Book] : Sanjit K. Mitra. - 3rd ed. - India : Tata McGraw-Hiil, c2006. - xx, 916 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
This book on Digital Signal Processing introduces the tools used in the analysis and design of discrete-time systems for Signal Processing. Practical examples and applications bring theory to life. .
Signal processing--Digital techniques--Data processing.
Digital signal processing a computer-based approach / [Book] : Sanjit K. Mitra. - 3rd ed. - India : Tata McGraw-Hiil, c2006. - xx, 916 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
This book on Digital Signal Processing introduces the tools used in the analysis and design of discrete-time systems for Signal Processing. Practical examples and applications bring theory to life. .
Signal processing--Digital techniques--Data processing.