Business analytics data analysis and decision making /

Albright, S. Christian

Business analytics data analysis and decision making / [Book] : S. Christian Albright, Kelly School of Business, Indiana University, Emeritus, Wayne L. Winston, Kelly School of Business, Indiana University ; with cases by Mark Broadie, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, Peter Kolesar, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, Lawrence L. Lapin, San Jose State University, William D. Whisler, Emeritus, California State University, Hayward. - 5th edition - xviii, 990 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Fourth edition was published: Data analysis and decision making / S. Christian Albright, Wayne L. Winston, Christopher Zappe ; with cases by Mark Broadie ... [et al.]. Mason, Ohio : South-Western/Cengage Learning, 2011 Includes Internet study tools access card bound inside front matter

Changes in Excelʼ. To allow for compatibility with different versions of Excelʼ, "Changes in Excel" boxes highlight changes in Excelʼ made in version 2010 or 2013. Plenty of Problems and Cases. This edition includes approximately 1,000 problems, plus about 40 cases, for testing students'' mastery of the material. Engaging Opening Vignettes. Each chapter opens with a vignette that sets the stage for the chapter content by focusing on why the chapter''s concepts are important in a business context. Highlighting Key Concepts. Critical concepts and equations are set off in boxes to make future reference easier, and margin notes and "Fundamental Insight" features emphasize the most relevant, practical information from each chapter. Easy-to-Follow Step-by-Step Examples. This edition includes over 130 interesting examples that draw from real business situations or events. The solution to each example is worked out in a clear, step-by-step method that uses screenshots to make it easy for students to understand and replicate. Business Analytics Focus: The term business analytics is now in the title of the book. This term is now ubiquitous in our area, being extremely popular with both academics and businesspeople, and we are pleased that our methods are now so highly regarded. Updated to Office 2013: As we were creating this edition of the book, Microsoft released Office 2013. Therefore, all of the screenshots in the book are from this newer version. However, the changes from 2010 to 2013, or even from 2007 to 2013, are not that extensive, at least for our purposes. Therefore, if you are still using Office 2007 or 2010, this book should work fine for you. Data Mining Coverage: Chapter 17 on data mining is completely new. The topic itself is huge, with many books of various mathematical levels devoted entirely to it, and it is impossible to cover it adequately in a single chapter. However, we believe this new chapter provides an exciting, hands-on introduction to data mining. Content Reductions: Based on user surveys, we d portions of various chapters, particularly Chapter 4 (Probability and Probability Distributions), that were used least often. Advanced Statistical Coverage: There are three online chapters available: Chapter 18 (Importing Data into Excel), Chapter 19 (Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design), and Chapter 20 (Statistical Process Control)..




Industrial management--Statistical methods--Computer programs
Decision making--Computer programs
Microsoft Excel (Computer file)
