Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems

Jordan,E.C 1969

Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems [Book]. - 2nd - Uttar Pradesh, India Prentice Hall 2015 - xiii, 753 p. illus. 24 cm

Includes bibliographies

One of the most widely-read books in its second edition, this book includes basic electromagnetic theory and its extension to problems of transmission, radiation and propagation of electromagnetic waves. The book is updated to include the interaction of fields and matter and the relationship between Maxwell's electromagnetic theory and Special Relativity. Engineering applications covered are transmission lines, wave-guides and antennas (conventional elements, arrays, apertures, frequency-independent and log-periodic structures). Material on freespace, ground-wave and ionospheric propagation completes the background essential for the communication engineer. "Like the previous editions, Antenna Theory, Third Edition is designed to meet the needs of electrical engineering and physics students at the senior undergraduate and beginning graduate levels, and those of practicing engineers as well. The text assumes that the readers have a knowledge of basic undergraduate electromagnetic theory, including Maxwell's equations and the wave equation, introductory physics, and differential and integral calculus." --Book Jacket.

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Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems
Electrical engineering
Antenna Theory: Analysis and design
Electrical Engineering
