Data Structures and Algorithms in Java


Data Structures and Algorithms in Java [Book]. Robert Lafore. - 2nd - New Delhi Pearson 2008 - xxxvi, 778 pages : illustrations

NEW - New questions and exercises at the end of every chapter. Simple, thorough, example rich coverage of Java data structures and algorithms—Covers arrays, stacks, queues, sorts, linked lists, recursion, binary trees, red-black trees, 2-3-4 trees, external storage, hash tables, heaps, weighted graphs, and more. Illuminates all the algorithms and data structures students will need to manipulate any kind of data with Java. Browser-based “Workshop Applet” tool visualizes algorithms and data structures—Simple browser-based software shows students how data structures and algorithms look and work. Brings algorithms and data structures to life, making them easier than ever for students to understand

Robert Lafore degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, has worked as a systems analyst for the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, founded his own software company, and is a best-selling writer in the field of computer programming. Some of his current titles are C++ Interactive Course and Object-Oriented Programming in C++. Earlier best-selling titles include Assembly Language Primer for the IBM PC and XT and (back at the beginning of the computer revolution) Soul of CP/M. covers all major neural networks. shows architectures in a similar format for all nets — illustrating the similarities and differences among them. clarifies the differences in the capabilities of the different networks by focusing on simple problems — in many cases variations of a theme. presents algorithms in enough detail to facilitate the writing of computer programs. gives detailed examples of simple applications. provides mathematical development when it provides a guide to proper implementation of a net. includes exercises and 25 computer projects. explores the internal circuitry, basic characteristics, fabrication, analysis, and applications of a wide variety of analog ICs.

All. All. All.

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Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
Computer Science
Fundamentals of neural networks
Electrical Engineering
Design and Applications of Analog Integrated Circuits
Electrical Engineering
Linear integrated circuits
Electric Circuits
