Organizational behavior
Robbins, Stephen P., 1943-
Organizational behavior Book / Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge. - 15th ed. - pearson Pearson, ©2013. - xxxiv, 646 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm
Globally accepted and written by one of the most foremost authors in the field, this is a necessary read for all managers, human resource workers, and anyone needing to understand and improve their people skills.
9780132834872 0132834871
Organizational behavior.
Organizational behavior Book / Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge. - 15th ed. - pearson Pearson, ©2013. - xxxiv, 646 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm
Globally accepted and written by one of the most foremost authors in the field, this is a necessary read for all managers, human resource workers, and anyone needing to understand and improve their people skills.
9780132834872 0132834871
Organizational behavior.